🚀 Now with Custom QA Rubrics & Campaigns! 🚀

Win Together with QA Scout

Exceptional experiences for agents & customers.

We believe that great CX automation tools should empower every stakeholder—from agents, QA analysts and CX leaders to brands and customers, fostering a win-win ecosystem.

Immediate Feedback For Better Service

No more flying blind. Break free from limited sampling. Use QA Scout's detailed analytics to refine your support strategies and continuously improve customer experiences.


Real-time performance feedback
Graded on comprehensive work, not small samples
Ability to improve and check skills in minutes, not days


Monitor team performance & QA trends
Intercept & intervene on potential poor interactions
Run leaderboards and competitions!


QA Analysts focused on most high impact reviews
Higher quality agent interactions
Potential DSATs caught in minutes, not days

Transform your CX with intelligent, real-time QA.

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